Days left until the March!

Our Aims and Objectives

We march to shape a new future, where fairness, integrity, and justice prevail. Carrying ‘the torch of hope’, we urge politicians, lawmakers, policymakers and regulators to address the serious systemic failures that have fuelled the surge of discontent in Ireland.

Through this courageous, compelling and collective endeavour, and the subsequent activity that is being organised behind the scenes, we aim to drive the kind of positive, progressive and purposeful reforms that re so desperately needed:

  • Initiate a Call for an Inquiry: Initiate an inquiry into Irelands regulatory bodies such as the Central Bank of Ireland, other financial and public regulators as well as looking at what changes in law and regulations are needed to allow the Gardai and Judicial authorities to properly enforce the law
  • Advocate for Root and Branch Reform of the Central Bank of Ireland: It must undergo significant reform to enhance regulatory oversight, enforcement, and accountability. We are calling for comprehensive changes to ensure the Central Bank of Ireland properly protects consumers and holds perpetrators accountable; even when they are banks and vulture funds
  • Push for Criminal Justice Reforms: Reforms to the criminal justice system are essential to ensure perpetrators of are held accountable. We are calling for urgent changes to improve investigation and prosecution processes and ensure that law enforcement is given sufficient priority so it provides justice for victims and helps to stop repeat offending
  • Fight for Support & Financial Restitution: Victims of financial misconduct deserve comprehensive support and financial restitution. We advocate for expanded support services, including legal aid, financial assistance, and mental health resources, to help victims navigate the aftermath of financial wrongdoing together with an acknowledgement of past injustices and fair compensation for losses
  • Removal of in-camera rule in Family Court:In the secret hidden Family Court, perpetrators of sexual abuse of children are granted custody and mothers denied access to their children. The Child and Family Agency- Tusla are facilitated in the Family Court to take children into state care under false pretences.
  • Facilitate child participation in the Family Court process: Currently, a professional called a Guardian ad Litem (Gal) is paid a huge sum of money to articulate the ‘voice of the child’ in the Family Court. This system is deeply flawed, perhaps veering towards fraud upon the court in certain circumstances. We are calling for children to be given the option to speak directly to a judge. 

So please be sure to do your bit – march alongside us, to protest positively and potently about this appalling state of affairs.

Don’t just stand by, please stand up, and march.

Please be sure to register to participate now, because enough is enough!